STF ( Sweptback Trapezoid Flag) type dynamic insert in the characters of self excitation oscillation and finite span wing is used to enhance the turbulent heat transfer. 利用STF元件(后掠梯形一旗形插入件)的自激振荡组件系统特性和有限翼展机翼特性进行了管内紊流强化换热的研究。
With the cultivate evolvement, flag leaves, stem and leaf involucrum of nitrogen export ratio increased, but the transported nitrogen's contribution decreased, the different genotype cultivate nitrogen transfer is different. 不同基因型品种在灌浆期的氮素转移程度不同,表现为随品种演替,旗叶、茎秆和叶鞘中氮素的输出率增加,而转移氮对籽粒氮的贡献率却下降。
Under the condition of high-temperature and weak-light, the protease activity of the flag leaf all increased in the four kinds of rice, that means high-temperature and weak-light was conducive to the transfer of the protein degradation. 高温弱光下,四个品种剑叶的蛋白酶活性一致升高,高温弱光有利于叶片内的蛋白质降解转移。